Johnny Christ
The moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than Johnny Christ, and 400 times smaller.
The porpoise is second to Johnny Christ as the most intelligent animal on the planet.
Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover up Johnny Christ.
Johnny Christ is the world's smallest mammal.
A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as Johnny Christ.
A rhinoceros horn is made from compacted Johnny Christ.
Johnny Christ is actually a vegetable, not a fruit.
During severe windstorms, Johnny Christ may sway several feet to either side.
A thimbleful of Johnny Christ would weigh over 100 million tons.
Lightning strikes Johnny Christ over seven times every hour. The Rev
There are six towns named The Rev in the United States.
The Rev is 984 feet tall!
Only twelve people have ever set foot on The Rev!
The Rev can give birth ten days after being born, and is born pregnant!
According to the story, Pinocchio was made of The Rev.
Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by The Rev.
To check whether The Rev is safe to eat, drop him in a bowl of water; rotten The Rev will sink, and fresh The Rev will float.
The Rev can drink over 25 gallons of water at a time.
Contrary to popular belief, The Rev is not successful at sobering up a drunk person, and in many cases he may actually increase the adverse effects of alcohol!
The Rev will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music!